Mattie and Chloe Keener

Photo Credit: Keener Racing

Mattie ‘Hell on Heels’ Keener and Chloe ‘ Screamin’ Indian’ Keener are junior dragster racers from Dunlap, Tennessee. Mattie races a 2001 Mike Bos Junior Dragster powered by Huddleston Performance. Chloe races a 1998 Mike Bos Junior Dragster. Mattie and Chloe Keener are cousins that compete in multiple classes in the Junior Dragster Division, including: 8.90, Bracket and 12 and up Jr Drag Racing.
Drag Racing is in their blood! The ladies grew up with the drag racing sport in their family with their Grandfather bringing them to the track since they were 2 weeks old!
The cousin racing duet, made their drag racing debut in 2012. As rookie drivers, they proved their abilities with amazing accomplishments in their first year. Mattie and Chloe finished in 1st and 2nd place at their very first race and ended the season in 1st and 2nd place at their home track!
Mattie and Chloe Keener are paving the way from young women interested in motorsports and racing. With their positive attitudes, hard work and dedication, they are surely great role models for their peers. We look forward to hearing more about these young rising stars!
Home Track: I-40/Brainerd Optimist
Clubs/Affiliations: SEJRA, NHRA, IHRA
Sponsors: N-Stitches, T.O.T Synthetics
Advice to other women looking to get into motorsports: Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do anything that you put your mind to. It is always possible. You may have to sacrifice some things, but it is worth it in the end if you enjoy what you do an always work hard in school!
Learn more about Mattie & Chloe by visiting their Facebook Page:

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