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The Speed Sisters made quite the impression to on lookers of the past Aqaba Street Rally in Jordan.  The Speed Sisters are the only known female racing team in the Middle East.  With every appearance, these women are going more and more respect and paving the way for other women in their country.
The Speed Sisters Racing Team members are Noor Daoud, from Ramallah; Betty Saadeh, from Bethlehem, and Mara from Jenin.  You may recall that a few months ago, these ladies began film production for a documentary of women racers in the Middle East.
Watch the video above to see a few interviews of the Speed Sisters and live footage from the Aquaba Street Rally event the Speed Sisters recently appeared at.  At the end of the event, the Speed Sisters ranked in the top 10 out of 67 other male competitors.
More information about the Speed Sisters and their upcoming film: Speed Sisters TV
Source: Telegraph

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